Note: What follows is an excerpt of the testimony of August Buschmann, pioneering cannery operator and fish trap operator, taken from the Special Subcommittee on Alaskan Problems, House Committee on Merchant Marines and Fisheries, on the Elimination of Salmon Traps in the Waters of Alaska, November, 1949. Not only does Buschmann describe the genesis of many canneries in Southeast Alaska, his testimony clearly shows the speed at which canneries proliferated around the bays and inlets of Alaska. Readers interested in discovering more about specific cannery locations and personalities engaged in the fisheries are encouraged to spend time with historic Bureau of Fisheries and House Committee reports, which contain priceless, untapped information related to Alaska's fisheries history. For those interested in fish traps, Jim Mackovjak's newest book, Alaska Salmon Traps, is the place to begin. A huge thanks to Jim Mackovjak for sharing this transcription.
"I came over here with my parents from Norway in 1891. After arriving here
we became interested in fishing and the salting of fish near Port Townsend, at Scow Bay ,
for a short period of time. Then we moved to Port Townsend and fished and
salted and smoked fish there for a short time.
Then we moved to Bellingham
and did the same thing there. While we were there we put in the first pile trap
that was put in on Lummi Island , that was operated by hand, with a hand
windlass on a log float, and we also operated a small floating trap on Lopez Island .
That was in 1892.
In 1893 I went to Alaska
for the first time with my father and I fished halibut on a halibut schooner in
Alaska out of Ketchikan . And later on in the season we
fished halibut and salmon, dogfish, and sharks. That fall my father located a
cannery site in Mink Bay off of Boca De Quadra Inlet in southeastern Alaska .
In the spring of 1894 I accompanied my father to Alaska again, where he built his first cannery, in 1894
in Mink Bay , operated it through the season and
packed about 10,000 cases. We operated there for several years and then my
father located a saltery site in Taku Inlet, close to Juneau , Alaska ,
and operated a saltery there for several years.
We located a trade and manufacturing site at Petersburg in 1896, and
commenced construction of a cannery that was first operated in 1898.
From there I was transferred to Sitkah [Sitkoh] Bay, to
construct a new cannery there at a location now called Chatham, Alaska, it was
called at that time, Sitkoh Bay, in 1900.
[Buschmann omits the fact that during the 1899 and 1900
salmon seasons he operated a salmon saltery at Bartlett Cove, in Glacier Bay , where he also constructed a cannery building
that was never outfitted with canning machinery.]
At that particular plant, which was completed and operated
that year, we packed about 60,000 cases. The reason for constructing this plant
was that the Petersburg cannery, located about 100 miles away, which was
operated the first year in 1898, received most of its fish from this area, since
there were practically no salmon in the area around Petersburg that particular
The year 1900 was the return cycle for that heavy run in the
Chatham area.
There happened to be no fish whatsoever in that area, and it is believed that
the tremendous run and escapement that was there 2 years before of which very
few could be taken created the shortage of that year. Out of a pack of 60,000
cases which we had prepared to can, we could only get 20,000 cases of pinks in
that area with 3 big tenders and 14 hand seine boats covering Chatham Strait ,
Icy Strait ,
Chichagof Island, and Baranof Island areas
where we had expected to pack principally pinks that season.
That goes to show that even in olden times we had smaller
runs of pink salmon in southeastern Alaska
than we have ever had since that time. This was in 1900.
In the fall of 1900 and spring of 1901 father sold out of
the three canneries and two salteries that his companies owned, to a company
called the Pacific Packing & Navigation Co. that has accumulated a number
of canneries along the coast of Alaska and
also on Puget Sound .
In 1901 I built and operated the first pile trap close to
Port [Point] Couverden at the entrance to Icy Strait ,
and operated that pile trap with several others for 3 years.
In 1904 I operated a steamer for the Killisnoo fertilizer
plant at Killisnoo , Alaska , and we caught principally herring,
but when herring were scarce we would always load up with salmon at the
neighboring bay so as to bring home a load of fish.
In 1905 I took a contract to deliver two shiploads of dog
salmon for the Japanese Government. These ships sailed into southeastern Alaska , and with 1 little seine boat and a small crew of
5 or 6 men, including my brother, we loaded these ships with approximately 200,000
dog salmon at Chaik
Bay . In 1906 I operated a
cannery for the Northwestern Fisheries Co. at Sana Ana, and in 1907, 1908 and
1909 I operated a cannery at Hunters Bay, on the west coast of Prince of Wales
Island, were we also operated a salmon hatchery, here we also built and
operated the first power seine boat that ever came to Alaska, which was
operated by my brother Eigil at that time.
In 1910 I was transferred, and instructed to build a
cannery—on Cooks Inlet—for the Northwestern Fisheries, and I believe I had the
luckiest season of my career that year, since we left here on Friday, March the
In 1911 I built a cannery of my own at Ford Arm on the west
coast of Chichagof Island, southeastern Alaska
and packed about 20,000 cases, operating exclusively with seines.
In 1912 and 1913 we operated at Ford Arm on the west coast
of Chichagof Island , putting up small packs.
In 1915 I also built a cannery in Cooks Inlet on Knik Arm, across from Anchorage , which I
operated for 3 years. Then in 1918 I built and operated a cannery at Port
Althorp, at the entrance to Icy Strait , southeastern Alaska
not far from Juneau ,
where we had prospected the fishing conditions for some time. I supervised the
operation of this cannery myself until the fall of 1919, when I sold this
cannery to the Alaska Pacific Salmon Co.
I also in the meantime had become interested in the Hood Bay
cannery, at Hood Bay and I had financed Nick Bez on his
first canning operations in Peril Straits, at Todd—the Todd Cannery. I think
that was 1924.
I was also interested in a cannery at Sitka , which we sold just a few years ago.
Since the early 1930s I have not been so very active in the
business, although I have had interests in several canneries, and up to the
present time have made trips to Alaska every year, and I have since 1893 spent
anywhere from 2 or 3 weeks to 9 months in the Territory every year.
I graduated from the commercial branch of the Pacific Lutheran
College , in Parkland ,
Wash. , in 1899; received my pilot’s license to
operate cannery steamers and other small steamers in 1902; I took out my United States citizens papers in Tacoma , Wash. ,
in 1903.
I was appointed by President Hoover and served as a
dollar-a-year man under Judge Royal Gunnison, Food Administrator for Alaska , during World War I, as fisheries consultant and
advisor in connection with catching and canning salmon in Alaska .
I was selected a member of the Fact Finding Board of Three,
operating under the supervision of the United States Department of Labor, to
determine a fair price to be paid for fish and labor in the Alaska salmon
industry in 1938...
I served as first organizing chairman of the consultant
committee, appointed as a war measure by the Secretary of Interior in 1942. The
purpose of this committee was to devise ways and means of producing the
greatest quantity of canned fish by concentrating all fishing and canning
operations along the entire coast line of Alaska into the most efficient
operating units, to save labor, transportation, and floating equipment, since
the Army and Navy had commandeered and actually taken over most of the salmon
industry’s efficient tenders, scows, and other floating equipment, including
several canneries, which were so desperately needed when war so unexpectedly
broke out.
I have spent all or part of every operating season, ranging
from 3 or 4 weeks to 9 months in Alaska since
1893, and expect to continue doing so since I am very much interested in the Alaska fisheries.
I am at the present time interested in a cold-storage plant
at Sitka, Alaska; a cold-storage plant we built last year at Sand Point,
Shumagin Islands, Alaska; have an interest in five fish traps in southeastern Alaska , and have a very small interest in the Alaska
Pacific Salmon Co., operating canneries in Bristol Bay
and south of the peninsula."
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